

  • 演员:石坂浩二,佐久间良子,樱田淳子,草刈
  • 简介: 每次案件结束后,金田一耕助(石坂浩二 饰)都要隐居休养一段时间,这次他决定赴美度假,临行前专门去吉野市拜别侦探小说家横沟正史(横沟正史 饰)。在小说家的推荐下,金田一前往当地的本条影楼拍摄护照照片。拍照之际,一名神秘美丽的女子(樱田淳子 饰)拜会影楼老板,请他夜间外出拍摄结婚照,而拍摄地点竟是位于医院坡曾发生过吊颈命案的不祥之屋。  当晚,影楼老板的儿子直吉(清水紘治 饰)到指定地点为那对甚为奇怪的新人拍照。次日,他接到那名神秘女子的电话,邀请他们再次前往拍照地。这一次金田一和直吉等人一同前往,却发现新郎的头颅被吊在房屋正中央,而身体不翼而飞。一起离奇命案慢慢揭开了藏在法眼家族背后的秘密……


  • 演员:高田稔,村濑幸子,入江隆子
  • 简介: The Kinema Junpo critics were, of course, mistaken to think that Naruse had abandoned his emphasis on women. His next film, Sincerity, features two strong female characters, played by Irie Takako and Murase Sachiko, each of whom have a daughter. The girls are schoolmates, but one (Nobuko) is from a middle-class home and the other (Tomiko) is from a poor family. Tomiko's mother Tsutako (Irie) is a single mother who works from home as a seamstress, while Nobuko's mother lives in an elegant home with her husband, Kei. Eventually, it is revealed that Kei had a romantic relationship with Tsutako, and may be Tomiko's father as well, but he is conscripted shortly after this revelation and goes off to war.This is very much a home front film, in which the women are involved in supporting activities, and the whole town cheers on the new recruits. As Kei is a banker, he is conscripted as an officer. He is introduced brandishing a magnificent sword, indicating his readiness for his call-up, for which everyone congratulates him when it comes. The wartime context is little more than a backdrop to the story of paternity and former love. The complex emotions among the women are conveyed through cutting on eye movements and eye lines, and through the use of the pastoral location.


  • 演员:志村乔,清川荘司,菅井一郎,入江隆子
  • 简介:太平洋战争末期,日本政府将年轻女子组织成「女子挺身队」到工厂生产武器,本片就是描写一群女子为国家附出热情的故事。
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