

  • 演员:布鲁·欧吉尔,贝努特·里格恩特,Fe
  • 简介:影片讲四个同住一间宿舍的女大学生,都是学习表演的学生,她们的作业是学习一部名叫《双重不忠》的剧本,结果剧中情节对她们的真实生活产生奇妙的影响,尤其是她们如何处理爱情、性欲、信任、背叛、犯罪、艺术等人生课题。


  • 演员:米歇尔·皮科利,简·伯金,艾曼纽·贝
  • 简介: 弗兰霍夫(米歇尔·皮寇利 Michel Piccoli 饰)是一个功成名就的画家,妻子利兹(简·伯金 Jane Birkin 饰)一直都是他创作的源泉和模特,这也是利兹感到自豪的所在。但是这些年来,弗兰霍夫的创作灵感渐渐枯竭,当他面对着妻子的肖像画时,甚至感到无从下笔。当玛利亚娜(艾曼纽·贝阿 Emmanuelle Béart 饰)经朋友介绍出现在他眼前时,他已经有将近十年没有拿起过画笔了。性感奔放的玛利亚娜的出现重新点燃了画家的激情,他们两人在封闭的画室里整日疯狂的作画。利兹努力的克制自己的嫉妒心,但当弗兰霍夫将妻子的肖像画用玛利亚娜的人体覆盖的时候,利兹无法忍耐了,她和画家之间发生了争吵。 画作完成了,但弗兰霍夫却做出了一个惊人的举动,他将完美的画作永远的砌进了石墙里,从此,这副杰作将永远的隐藏于黑暗之中。 影片并没有过多的展示三人的情感纠葛,却将摄影机投向了画家作画的场面,真实的还原了一个艺术家的生活状态和作画场景,使影片有了更为高远的立意。


  • 演员:Tatiana,Moukhine,桑
  • 简介: A part of Joan of Arc's life. At the beginning, Jeanne (Joan) has already left Domremy, she is trying to convince a captain to escort her to moxia.cc the Dauphin. It ends during Jeanne's first battle, at Orleans. Meanwhile, Jeanne is depicted more as a warrior than a saint (all cliches are avoided), with only her faith for strength.


  • 演员:桑德里娜·博内尔
  • 简介: 新浪潮老将里维特的雄心大作,分战争篇和监狱篇上下两部。本片以德莱叶和布列松为目标,希望成就新的经典。 传奇历史事件「圣女贞德」发生时,以文字记述事件流传出去的方式尚未普及,因此事件留下来的属于史实的原始记录非常的少。但是圣女贞德的故事,却不断出现在文学作品、舞台剧、歌剧(神剧)与各种电影版本中,这背后一定是有它的原因的。  该片讲述圣女贞德从被俘,到被审判,直至最后被处死的过程。在1430年5月23日的一场小规模战斗中,贞德被俘虏了。当她下令军队撤退回贡比涅城时,她处在军队的最后方以确保所有人都退回了城里,但就在这时贡比涅城因为害怕英军跟着闯入,没等到所有部队撤回便将城门关下,贞德与剩余的后卫部队便遭到了勃艮第人俘虏。最后法庭总结了贞德的12项罪行指控,但这些指控都和在审判中的纪录相互矛盾。在各种方式逼迫之下,不识字的贞德没有意识到死刑的逼近,签下了一份她完全看不懂的公开弃绝书。贞德还有另外一个罪名:像男人一样穿衣服。这在1431年可是一项大罪。贞德在战场上穿的是甲胄,但是在军营里却穿的男装,据记载,她穿的是一种很短的灰色的束腰外衣,套在朱红布料做的、织的很密的长筒袜子上面。那个时候还没有橡皮筋,男子的长统袜的顶端都开有成对的扣眼,中间用绳子串起来系紧。一般人用七种以上的花色来系这种袜子,而贞德用了20种,而且还系得很紧。主要是为了保护自己“奥尔良少女”的身份。在监狱里,贞德宣称,没有紧身的袜子,她感到很不安全,她要和教廷抗争到底,准备接受自己的命运。后来,她被套上一身长袍。行刑时,她没有遗言,只是向敌人发出了嘲笑。死刑于1431年5月30日在鲁昂进行,目击者描述了死刑的那一幕。贞德被绑在火刑柱上,她不断的祈祷著,并向旁边的神父请求让她握著一个小十字架。


  • 演员:玛丽安娜·德尼库尔,娜塔莉·理查德,
  • 简介: The film follows the story of three girls in contemporary Paris. One searches for her lost mother since she knows she's adopted. The other has come out of a coma and needs to have a love relationship aside from his mysterious father. The third one is a crook who redeems herself through love. The action is commented by songs and dance routines.


  • 演员:贝蒂·施奈德,贾尼·埃斯波西托,弗朗
  • 简介: 故事发生在1957年的法国巴黎,安妮(贝蒂·施奈德 Betty Schneider 饰)在哥哥的带领下参加了一个聚会,在聚会上,她邂逅了特里(弗朗索瓦丝·佩武 Françoise Prévost 饰)和戏剧导演杰拉德(贾尼·埃斯波西托 饰),杰拉德正在排演一出莎士比亚的戏剧,剧组遭遇了经济困难,为了帮助杰拉德攻克难关,安妮决定加入剧组。 特里的男友胡安前段时间遭遇了不测,虽然表面看来他是自杀身亡,但特里和安妮都觉得其中必有蹊跷。菲利普(Daniel Crohem 饰)从美国逃亡到法国,他告诫特里和安妮,让她们注意自己的人身安全,不要重蹈胡安的覆辙。在排演的过程中,安妮一直试图寻找着胡安自杀的真相。


  • 演员:布鲁·欧吉尔,帕斯卡·欧吉尔,皮埃尔
  • 简介: 在巴黎街头的虚幻漫步中,Marie(Bulle Ogier饰)是一名因抢劫银行而被定罪的女人,她刚从监狱里出来,就遇到了需要陪伴的年轻偏执狂Baptiste(Pascale Ogier饰),两人合作了一段时间。玛丽的前男友(Pierre Clementi饰)向他们提供了一张奇怪的城市地图,这令人怀疑,因为他保留了可能与地图有某种联系的政治人物档案。一个绰号为“Max”的歹徒开始跟踪Marie和已经偏执的Baptiste,导致Marie检查地图,好像它掌握了城市的哪些侧面是“安全的”,哪些不是。当两个女人试图智胜Max和不知名的黑帮时,她们试图弄清楚地图 - 由于Baptiste倾向于剧烈刺激肾上腺素和Marie过度劳累的想象力(北桥上的一条龙是一个威胁,直到Baptiste尖叫他下来),这项任务变得更加困难。在龙和他们自己的恶魔之间,Marie和Baptiste面临着可怕的困难,无法完好无损地从这场不幸中走出来。〜Eleanor Mannikka, Rovi


  • 演员:朱丽叶·贝尔托,布鲁·欧吉尔,Jea
  • 简介: Rivette is relatively precise in his dealings with meaning. He is the most atavistically ceremonious of the Vague, in the sense that his abstraction as a journey leading inwards is always attended by signs and codas that affirm our passage. The transcendent rite of passage, in more ways than one, is about the symbolic enactment that paves the way. The transcendence itself is left to our sphere of experience, but we're at least brought to the doorstep. Oh, there's the improvisational flow that seems to throw people off, that things seem to be randomly bubbling up from nothing without significant plan or substance. The chance encounters in a world that we may recognize, the geography vaguely familiar whose nature is yet ultimately insoluble. There's a lot of that here. As in Celine, it is the breathing space that conducts our preparation to step beyond the mechanisms of reason. We don't reason with it, rather trust its intuitive flow. Like the dream world, it is only the figment of the known world spontaneously arisen as a stage or blank slate for the atavistic portents and divinations of the subconscious mind to be writ. But the rite of passage matters, in spite of the seemingly aimless wandering. Here it is about human effort to bypass the 'wall of paradise' constituted by the coincidence of apparent opposites (good and evil, light and dark, being and non-being). A barrier that obscures vision and traps in a world of names and forms that is only an apparent reality. Rendered in the film as twin goddesses of sun and moon, vying for a precious stone that enables their descend into the human world. The human characters are mere pawns to their schemes; to be seduced, tricked, threatened, or ultimately destroyed. Twin femme fatales, weaving spells in an inverse noir universe magnified into a macrocosmic struggle. The ill-prepared man who chances to steal a glimpse of them in their true form, like in the myth of Actaion who steals upon the Greek goddess Artemis bathing naked in a pool, has his consciousness shattered by the revelation. His mirrored image (the soul, the reflected half) is cracked. The woman who finally shatters the illusionary duality that quarantines human consciousness into meaningless dilemmas, does so by a sacrifice of blood. And this is the problem of the film. So much of it is a stridently symbolic enactment, a matter of ceremony. The sacrifice is, quite literally, a matter of spilling blood upon the symbolic stone and does not flow from anything - it is simply the schematic end of the spiritual myth. Although valuable as insight, the meaning of the film is trapped inside the rituals performed to signify it. Having cracked the outer shell to absorb it, the film seizes to resonate.


  • 演员:安娜·卡里娜,莉泽洛特·普尔韦尔,米
  • 简介:在18世纪的法国,一个女孩(苏珊娜·西蒙宁)被迫违背自己的意愿宣誓成为一名修女。三位母亲的上级(莫尼夫人,圣克里斯汀修女和谢尔夫人)对待她的方式完全不同,从母性关怀,虐待狂迫害,到女同性恋的欲望。苏珊娜的美德给每个人带来灾难,这是对启蒙哲学家丹尼斯·狄德罗对宗教滥用的猛烈抨击的忠实改编。


  • 演员:Jane,Birkin,Gerald
  • 简介:利維特一開場已經搞神秘:黃昏的街頭,一幫人齊集操上某私宅,然後和影機同謀,靜觀單位兩女一男私生活─名副其實砸破第四面牆,還是徹頭徹尾滿足偷窺慾?挑釁只是序幕。被瓢竊的舞台導演大受啟發,邀三演員到自己大宅,照辦煮碗做場騷,不過上演的卻是導演的真實戀情,當然是藝術加工一角度。珍寶金和謝拉婷卓別靈化身莎蓮與茱莉,搬住大宅排演七天,黐孖妹如入愛麗絲幻境,捲進了戀情七角錯,對象有現實中人,還有幻影,更有一個莎士比亞專家兼打雜。愛很容易,情感原來很脆弱。利維特媽哩媽哩空,兜亂真與假、現實與虛構,人生是否模仿藝術的大問題,在此都顯得膚淺了。
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