

  • 演员:Dougray,Scott,Saff
  • 简介: 《完美生物》设想了一个人类和吸血鬼和平共存的世界,当一场流行性传染病开始席卷人类后,一名吸血鬼转而袭击人类,这种微妙的平衡看似要被打破,教会派Silus去抓捕这名吸血鬼里的叛徒Edgar。Silus同一名人类警官 (Burrows)一起将要找到躲藏在黑暗地下的Edgar。


  • 演员:DrewBarrymore,Anje
  • 简介: 故事发生在16世纪。丹妮尔(德鲁·巴里摩尔 Drew Barrymore 饰)从小和父亲相依为命,但父亲迎娶继母罗米拉(安杰丽卡·休斯顿 Anjelica Huston 饰)后,很快出意外身亡,丹妮尔成了灰姑娘,但依旧坚强独立、热爱生活。机缘巧合之下,丹妮尔与法国王子亨利(多格雷·斯科特 Dougray Scott 饰)相遇,还从绿林大盗手中救了王子一命,两人彼此倾心,王子更想为她拒绝家中安排的政治婚姻。但继母得知这一切后,处心积虑想让自己长女玛格丽特(梅根·多兹 Megan Dodds 饰)嫁给王子,还谎称丹妮尔只是家中女仆。王子听信了继母谎言,愤怒地放弃了丹妮尔……©豆瓣


  • 演员:Dougray Scott,Saff
  • 简介: 《完美生物》设想了一个人类和吸血鬼和平共存的世界,当一场流行性传染病开始席卷人类后,一名吸血鬼转而袭击人类,这种微妙的平衡看似要被打破,教会派Silus去抓捕这名吸血鬼里的叛徒Edgar。Silus同一名人类警官 (Burrows)一起将要找到躲藏在黑暗地下的Edgar。


  • 演员:Dougray Scott,Alas
  • 简介: 两个私人银行家Alistair和Jamie,他们玩弄世界,喜欢和处于社会边缘的贫民玩一种12小时的幸存者游戏。他们的下一个目标是Sean Macdonald,一个无父无母的少年,他和姐姐住在爱丁堡的郊区。她负债累累,他前途堪忧。Sean为了钱同意了玩这个游戏。很快他意识到自己陷入了地狱般的12小时......


  • 演员:Dougray,Scott,Alas
  • 简介: 两个私人银行家Alistair和Jamie,他们玩弄世界,喜欢和处于社会边缘的贫民玩一种12小时的幸存者游戏。他们的下一个目标是Sean Macdonald,一个无父无母的少年,他和姐姐住在爱丁堡的郊区。她负债累累,他前途堪忧。Sean为了钱同意了玩这个游戏。很快他意识到自己陷入了地狱般的12小时......


  • 演员:Dougray,Scott,Matt
  • 简介: One biblical figure is revered by Jews, Christians, and Muslims alike. His name is Moses (Dougray Scott, Arabian Nights), the man who rose in power to defend a people, to free them, and to live in history like no other…A time of danger approaches for all of the Kingdom. Danger from a child. A child who will become a Prince of Egypt. With the soothsayer’s dire prophecy, the Pharoah (Paul Rhys, From Hell) orders the slaughter of all newborn males. But one child, born of Hebrew slave Amram (Louis Hilyer, Sky Captain and the World of Tomorrow) and his wife Jochebed (Emmy nominee Lisa Jacobs, The Attic), is put in the care of others to ensure his own safety. As years pass, Moses is raised in a royal Egyptian household and, with no memory of his true family, rises to the stature of prince. Upon discovery of his heritage, and inspired by a fiery message from God, Moses implores his stepbrother Menerith (Naveen Andrews, Lost), a high-ranking official in Ramses’ army, to join him on a fight to reclaim his destiny as the leader and liberator of the Hebrew people.But when Ramses rejects his demands, Moses issues the curse of a coming plague. From a swarming cloud of locusts to a river transformed in to a rushing stream of human blood to a downpour of frogs from the heavens, the prophesized scourge has been unleashed—Moses has taken the first step toward accomplishing his mission. Charting the dramatic story of the Hebrew leader—from his narrow escape from death to his leadership of the Hebrew people to the parting of the Red Sea, The Ten Commandments unfolds with all the spectacle, the violent human drama, and grand inspiration that has earned its stature as the greatest story ever told.With a stellar cast that includes Mia Maestro (Alias) and Golden Globe winner Omar Sharif (Lawrence of Arabia), The Ten Commandments is unsurpassed in its vision—both intimate and grand.


  • 演员:Dougray,Scott,Soph
  • 简介:事情发生在英国的曼彻斯特城,剧中父亲曾经是黑帮老大,早年妻子被仇家所杀,其儿子因丧母之痛而备受打击,从此与父亲产生了难以磨灭的隔阂。父亲为妻报仇后坐了1年牢,在爱尔兰出狱后开始了新的生活,并且和新女友有了孩子,正在享受温馨的家庭生活。然而随着15岁的儿子卷入了两起枪击案后,打破了本该平静的生活,父亲为了保护儿子而回到曼彻斯特,枪击案的背后隐藏着巨大的阴谋。父亲也被卷入其中,到底如何救自己的儿子,父亲一时难以抉择....他的儿子是无辜的吗?


  • 演员:Drew,Barrymore,Anj
  • 简介: 故事发生在16世纪。丹妮尔(德鲁·巴里摩尔 Drew Barrymore 饰)从小和父亲相依为命,但父亲迎娶继母罗米拉(安杰丽卡·休斯顿 Anjelica Huston 饰)后,很快出意外身亡,丹妮尔成了灰姑娘,但依旧坚强独立、热爱生活。机缘巧合之下,丹妮尔与法国王子亨利(多格雷·斯科特 Dougray Scott 饰)相遇,还从绿林大盗手中救了王子一命,两人彼此倾心,王子更想为她拒绝家中安排的政治婚姻。但继母得知这一切后,处心积虑想让自己长女玛格丽特(梅根·多兹 Megan Dodds 饰)嫁给王子,还谎称丹妮尔只是家中女仆。王子听信了继母谎言,愤怒地放弃了丹妮尔……


  • 演员:Dougray,Scott,Lott
  • 简介: 2039.监狱已经变成了在线门户网站,公众可以选择囚犯吃饭,穿,看,和谁打架。如此成功的是Panopticon TV,即将推出到整个城镇,为用户提供更多选择。

十诫 普通话版-剧情片

  • 演员:DougrayScott,莱纳斯·罗
  • 简介: A time of danger approaches for all of the Kingdom. Danger from a child. A child who will become a Prince of Egypt. With the soothsayer’s dire prophecy, the Pharoah (Paul Rhys, From Hell) orders the slaughter of all newborn males. But one child, born of Hebrew slave Amram (Louis Hilyer, Sky Captain and the World of Tomorrow) and his wife Jochebed (Emmy nominee Lisa Jacobs, The Attic), is put in the care of others to ensure his own safety. As years pass, Moses is raised in a royal Egyptian household and, with no memory of his true family, rises to the stature of prince. Upon discovery of his heritage, and inspired by a fiery message from God, Moses implores his stepbrother Menerith (Naveen Andrews, Lost), a high-ranking official in Ramses’ army, to join him on a fight to reclaim his destiny as the leader and liberator of the Hebrew people.
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