
侏罗纪公园3 普通话版-科幻片

  • 演员:山姆·尼尔,威廉姆·H·梅西,劳拉·
  • 简介:一名小男孩玩滑翔翼不幸失踪在索诺岛上。他的父母富商保罗与前妻阿曼达请求恐龙专家葛兰博士前往搭救。葛兰正拟进行一项史前动物研究,但苦于缺乏经费。在动之以利的情况下,“健忘”的葛兰博士鬼使神差地跟着他们上了飞机,一行人于是展开恐龙岛的搜索任务,尽管葛兰提出飞机不能直接降落在小岛上,然而不幸的是,由于机械故障,他们的飞机在安全降落前损毁,一头撞进了岛上的丛林,就在机上人员惊魂甫定之际,一群不知名的恐龙包围了飞机……可是他们万万没想到,最恐怖的事还在后头,因为恐龙已经聪明到会设置陷阱捕捉人类……

特工的特别任务 普通话版-科幻片

  • 演员:安东尼奥·班德拉斯,梅格·瑞恩,科林
  • 简介:Henry(科林•汉克斯饰)有个不修边幅的胖母亲(梅格•瑞恩饰),他成为联邦调查特工再次回到家中,他被母亲的改变下了一大跳。母亲变得窈窕而富有魅力,性格也变得开朗乐观,就连名字都改成了Mathy。Henry带回的未婚妻Emily(塞尔玛•布莱尔饰)与Mathy相处甚欢,只是Henry对于母亲的改变无所适从。正当Henry努力适应母亲的改变时,一名潇洒的男人Tommy(安东尼奥•班德拉斯饰)走进了母亲的生活,他们发展迅速。Henry竟发现这名Tommy跟一个艺术品偷窃团伙有关,Henry面对母亲与事业的发展,再次陷入两难,最后他还是同意上司在自家安装偷听器。他们一路调查Tommy,更把真相告诉了Mathy。Tommy与同党想尽办法偷取了雕像,Tommy却被同党抛弃了。他马上想到了危险的Mathy,他只好向Henry说出自己的真实身份,一起合力营救Mathy……


  • 演员:罗丝·马塔费奥,明妮·德里弗,Liz
  • 简介:  With the imminent release of Rose Matefeo’s brand new romcom Starstruck on BBC Three at the end of April, this coming year marks a watershed moment in broadcasting history with most BBC Three comedy either starring, written by or created by women. BBC Three will be the first UK channel to achieve this landmark in female representation with 58% of long-form scripted comedy written by women.  Upcoming titles include Lazy Susan, Starstruck and Ellie and Natasia plus the second series of both In My Skin and Back to Life.  In addition to this, the BBC today announces four new BBC Comedy Slices for BBC Three, all of which are written by and/or star female talent: Ladybaby, Amicable, Dinosaur and Britney, which results in the majority of comedy programmes on BBC Three now being female led.  Kate Daughton, outgoing Head of Comedy at the BBC, says: Building on the huge success of Phoebe Waller-Bridge and Daisy May Cooper, this marks a monumental achievement and is testament to the fact the most pioneering and exciting new voices in comedy are increasingly female.  Kate leaves the Comedy Commissioning team today having made a tremendous impact overseeing a raft of female first titles. Since Kate’s arrival in 2017 she has commissioned and nurtured Fleabag, Mum, Ghosts, Gavin & Stacey: Christmas Special (2019), This Time With Alan Partridge, Back to Life, The Goes Wrong Show, Out of Her Mind, Two Doors Down, In My Skin and Man Like Mobeen. Alongside the forthcoming Witchfinder, Alma’s Not Normal and Stephen Merchant series The Offenders (w/t).  Shane Allen, Director of BBC Comedy, says: Five years ago there were still articles asking where all the funny women were. That hoary old nonsense can finally be dispensed with once and for all. It’s a level playing field with the most vibrant and dynamic work coming through from females writers and writer performers who are elevating the art form of comedy and expanding its horizons. As for Kate Daughton, no longer will she curse at me for loud sneezing in the office. Partly because she’s leaving and mostly because we’ve not been in the office. Truly bereft; in denial that she’s off and we’re lucky to have had her for so long.  Charlotte Moore, Chief Content Officer, says: Kate’s impeccable taste, whip smart comedy brain and beguiling ways with talent have had a transformative impact on the comedy output in her time here. The fact that BBC Three can claim to be the first UK channel with a majority of female led and written scripted comedy is in large part down to her vision and passion for backing genre defining female creatives. She’ll be sorely missed but thankfully leaves behind a terrific legacy of shows ahead.


  • 演员:RickKavanian,Micha
  • 简介: 瑞塔索(Morgan C. Jones 配音)是一只生活在大城市里的老鼠,他没什么朋友,还霉运连连。在一次躲避追逐时,他被火车带出城市,原本想要参加盛大的嘉年华,了结果却被甩在荒郊野外。他偶然得到一枚蛋,不久从里面孵出一只极其丑陋的小鸭子,瑞塔索为他取名丑小鸭(Kim Larney 配音)。丑小鸭一无所长,备受奚落,甚至连瑞塔索都嫌他是个累赘。不过一心琢磨歪门邪道的瑞塔索很快就发现丑小鸭身上的利用价值,他决定带着丑小鸭参加嘉年华表演,并趁机发笔大财。一路上,他们经历无数艰辛和磨难,丑小鸭也在这一过程中慢慢树立起信心…… 本片根据安徒生的童话改编。


  • 演员:菊地凛子,格里芬·格鲁克,安娜·伊斯
  • 简介: 齐藤道雄是个剧作家,以前转为电视剧写剧本,现在则是编剧课程的教师。二十年前留学时代的好友上原大介即将和美国女郎罗拉结婚,道雄为了参加他的婚礼来到了洛杉矶。大介前往机场迎接,并和旧友一起驱车旅行,道雄想走访各个酒庄,而大介则是为了好好享受最后的单身时光。 道雄得知留学时的暗恋对象田中麻有子在著名的产酒地纳帕生活,他走访了麻有子所在的葡萄酒商店,却没能遇到她。次日,道雄在饭店里偶遇麻有子,大介则看上了麻有子的朋友美奈。 次日,两人用美奈送的折扣券做完SPA后,分头行动。大介去挑选婚礼上用的酒,而道雄则假扮麻有子的丈夫,和她一起去了别的酒庄。五年前,麻有子曾和丈夫在这个酒庄里订了酒。麻有子提起了往事:她和开百货公司的大企业老板公子结婚后一直生活在日本生活,五年前她离了婚,好不容易才有了现在的生活。麻有子在家里开小型小派对,道雄下厨做了自己的拿手菜,大介则一...


  • 演员:CamilleMontgomery,
  • 简介: Roy is the nice guy who finishes last. Sick of his current situation, he accepts an invitation to have Christmas dinner with the beautiful and strangely alluring Emilia. Once at dinner, Roy realizes that Emilia and her oddball brother (Edward) are not what they seem.


  • 演员:MitchelMusso,Richa
  • 简介: 圣诞节又快到了,家住北极的圣诞老人(Richard Riehle 饰)又将远赴纽约,给小朋友们发送圣诞礼包。然而今年却有些不寻常,圣诞老人发现纽约的圣诞精神日渐稀薄,他决定和自己忠实的狗狗Paws(扎克瑞·戈登 Zachary Gordon 配音)先行下地考察一番。然而不幸的是,圣诞老人在街上被一辆的士撞倒,用来维持活力的晶体吊坠和钱一并被偷走,醒来后便丧失了记忆。他阴差阳错地来到已故老友哈克巴克先生的玩具店,并被新店主夫妇雇用为店里的"圣诞老人"扮演者。与此同时,一个小女孩奎因(Kaitlyn Maher 饰)正被送到一个孤儿寄养家庭,受尽女主人苛刻的对待,一天夜里,她偶然发现了正在纽约街头焦急地寻找圣诞老人的小狗Paws,并小心收留了它。圣诞节眼看将至,失去了晶体吊坠的圣诞老人身体却一天天迅速衰退,Paws和它的伙伴们能否在偌大的纽约找回圣诞老人...
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